
Darlington & Haldeman

With the rise of veganism and concern for animal welfare, less and less people are interested in drinking dairy milk. We at Darlington and Haldeman are determined to reestablish trust in dairy, treating our cows with kindness and respect. 

Packaging design for leaders in ethical dairy


The main goal for the design of Darlington & Haldeman was to highlight ethical farming in a brand new way. To stray from the tropes of real cows on white packs we currently seen on dairy shelfs and find a more contemporary and eye catching way to celebrate respectful farming.

The logo mark

The logo mark design embraced the challenge of using full names rather than monograms to celebrate the legacy of the brand and the family associated with it.

The cows

The cow graphics on pack were inspired by real life observations of cows. They move as a herd around the pasture as the day goes by and that togetherness was emphasized with the grouping of their silhouette. They move in the shape of a heart to emphasis the ethical practices the farm is known for.

